What is Zen:
A Brief Explanation
by Eido Tai Shimano Roshi
Abbot of The Zen Studies Society

A special transmission outside the scriptures;
No dependence on words and letters;
Direct pointing to the mind of man;
Seeing into one's nature and attaining Buddhahood.
The special transmission of Zen is the realization of the Buddha's
enlightenment itself, in one's own life, in one's own time. This experience
has been realized by Zen students and confirmed by their teachers for over
2500 years.
Central and indispensable to Zen is daily Zazen practice. It is this
practice that is the "direct pointing to the mind of man." Zazen melts away
the mind-forged distances that separate man from himself; leads one beyond
himself as knower, to himself as known. In Zazen, there is no reality
outside what exists here and now. Each moment, each act is inherently
Buddha-nature. While sorrow and joy, anxiety and imperturbability cannot be
avoided, by not clinging to them we find ourselves free of them, no longer
pulled this way and that. With this self-mastery comes composure and
tranquility of mind, but these are by-products of Zazen rather than its
Zazen is a Japanese term consisting of two characters: za, "to sit
(cross-legged)," and zen, from the Sanscrit dhyana, meaning
at once concentration, dynamic stillness, and contemplation. The means
toward the realization of one's original nature as well as the realization
itself, Zazen is both something one does - sitting cross-legged, with proper
posture and correct breathing - and something one essentially is. To
emphasize one aspect at the expense of the other is to misunderstand this
subtle and profound practice.
In ordinary experience, being and doing are separated: what one does is cut
off from what one is, and conversely. Such separation leads inevitably to
the condition of self-alienation. Particularly in this century, this
condition has become acute. With time and sincere effort in Zazen practice,
mind and body, inside and outside, self and other are experienced as one.
This condition of effortless concentration, is known as Samadhi.
In the clarity of Samadhi-liveliness, dissatisfaction and the sense of the
meaningless of modern life vanish. No longer searching for answers
externally, the student journeys within to reach the moving spirit of the
Buddha - his own Self-Nature.
Through devotion and persistence, the aims of Zazen practice are eventually
realized. The first is Enlightenment. With this experience, Samadhi is
fulfilled; mind and body, the self and the universe are seen to have been
one reality from the beginning. The second and more difficult aim is the
actualization of the Bodhisattva (Enlightened Being) ideal. This spirit of
love and compassion for all beings is developed through continual spiritual
purification, the cultivation of a deep sense of responsibility, and most
importantly, through self-discipline. As one's practice ripens, one becomes
more alive, more creative; filled with the longing to actualize the
Bodhisattva spirit in every moment and every aspect of daily life.
Dai Bosatsu Zendo
Livingston Manor, NY
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